Obviously, no new baby yet.  And too be honest, I had to do an attitude re-adjustment earlier this week.  At my appt the Tuesday before Dani Jo's wedding, I measured 41 cm and my midwife said she guessed the baby felt 7 or 8 pounds.  I've already gained the same amount of weight that I gained with Abe.  I'm not bingeing or eating too much terrible stuff, but my weight gain is definitely to the point where the OB I saw through most of Abe's pregnancy would be doing major scolding.  (Of course, he never asked about what I was eating or how I was exercising...and I did loose it all plus some over the course of things after Abe's birth).  So anyways, I guess I had set my hopes on having the baby Dani Jo's wedding weekend more than I realized.  I woke Sunday morning feeling pretty crumby and out of sorts, which of course let me to think maybe it was the day.  I was pretty uncomfortable a large part of the next couple of days.  But I realized my "bad attitude" a little bit later on in the week.  I'm back to walking, swimming and trusting that whenever the Lord's timing is it will be right and I might as well enjoy things as they are for the time being.  So...no baby yet. 
Last Saturday, (June 26, 2010) my sister and Nick finally got married.  We weren't able to go back for the wedding because I am so far along in the pregnancy and it was a very real chance that Baby could have decided to come that weekend.  Turns out Baby didn't pick that weekend to come (or this one, at least not yet) but we did get to watch the wedding over video chat (Thanks Devyn!) and have our own little dance party afterwards.  Now Dani Jo is safely in London with her husband and we say, "Congratulations Dani Jo and Nick!"